GKZ is an independent triple helix association of industry, research/academia, and administration operating in the fields of raw material economy along the whole value chain. With its architecture GKZ is an industry driven network based in Germany and comprising more than 160 national and international members. As a non-profit organisation GKZ is dedicated to network, to cluster, to promote and to exploit research results and innovation know-how. GKZ is well embedded in a number of national and global networks and achieves synergies from cooperation of members in the association and with third parties at governmental and non-governmental level which allows a deep penetration of dissemination. GKZ provides substantial services and information especially for SME in local and international market survey and market entry.
With a strong regional background in the Mining and Metallurgy Region of Saxony GKZ is committed to RIS3 policies such as the Saxon Raw Material Strategy and the Saxon Innovation Strategy as well as in cross border ERFD structural funds. In the cross-European panel work GKZ holds membership in the European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources (ETP SMR) and the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. GKZ has been actively involved in several national and European R&I, ESF and Interreg projects.
As part of the MIREU project, the regions of Cornwall & Saxony are involved in a Twinning Project with the regions represented by The University of Exeter (UNEXE) and Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg (GKZ). Learn more about their recent activities in this article.
The Horizon 2020 GREENPEG project, designed to improve exploration in Europe for pegmatites, has launched.
On 25 and 26 May GKZ and NOVA organised MIREU’s first online workshop: Funding Tomorrow’s Raw Materials (RM) Sector. The organisers have summed up the events key discussion ahead of the publication of a report.
The Networking Matrix is a theoretical approach in WP2 to support Networking Regions.
Under the title "Ensuring SLO is adaptive and resilient", MIREU organised its third and final SLO stakeholder workshop in Brussels, Belgium, in June 2019.
One of the topics discussed at the breakout sessions during the 2nd MIREU SLO workshop was ‘Mining and Misunderstandings’, which refers to the misunderstandings that often arise in the communication between the parties involved in mining projects.
Until recently, mining was a synonym for the industrial crisis of “old” Europe. Mine shafts became a part of our industrial heritage and a reminder for a vanished tradition. But times have changed: mining in Europe plays a more and more important role in securing access to important raw materials for the future.
The region of Saxony organised a side event under the topic 'From Saxony for Europe - Skills and Research for the Mining of the Future' at the European Week of Regions and Cities.
As part of the stakeholder engagement and networking of regions, MIREU partner GKZ Freiberg carried out a one-day ‘Seminar on Cultural and Industrial World Heritage in Mining and Metallurgy – a European Fact-Finding.
MIREU partner GKZ Freiberg decided to mark the kick-off of the ambitious MIREU project with a conference, which was held on 1 March 2018 in Dresden, Saxony.
The MIREU project is organising a conference on mining heritage between 21-23rd April 2020 in Cornwall, UK.
GZK and AMEMM are planning a fact-finding mission in Maramureș, Romania in September 2020.
GKZ & NOVA University of Lisbon will present a two-part workshop in May titled Funding tomorrow's raw materials sector: how can administrations make use of the public incentives from the EU?
The Industrial modernisation S3P Mining industry and the ERRIN task force on raw materials invite you to an online roundtable discussion on the future of the EU mining regions collaboration. It will be an opportunity to learn more about the initiatives supporting the networking of mining regions.
The European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources (ETP SMR) is hosting a series of three webinars aiming to showcase the most significant activities and ideas currently circulating in the EU raw materials research and innovation community.