CoMMER - a raw materials task force

Focussed on regions, research & innovation
In order to maximise the impact of any future activities CoMMER will be embedded as a Task Force within ERRIN, a well-established Brussels-based network of more than 120 regions, most of whom are represented by their Brussels' offices.
Aligned with ERRIN's missions, the task force will focus solely on research and innovation policy and funding programmes, as well as project development. Participation in the task force will be open to all ERRIN members as well as MIREU partner regions for 24 months after the closure of the MIREU project.
ERRIN - the European Regions Research and Innovation Network
CoMMER will exist as a task force within ERRIN. Visit the task force's page on the ERRIN website.
The task force will look to keep its members up to date with the latest policy developments in the field of raw materials. This may come in the form of meetings with EU officials or information sessions run in Brussels or through webinars.
The task force will be ideally placed to follow European Funding news and identify relevant opportunities for its members in research programmes, such as Horizon Europe and Erasmus+.
The task force will look to link up with a number of key initiatives in the field of raw materials, paying particular attention to the S3P Mining industries and global value chain thematic partnership, as well as EIT Raw Materials KIC and European Raw Materials Alliance.
The task force will provide a platform for regional stakeholders to strengthen relationships with other partners, while encouraging the exchange of knowledge, ideas and examples of best practice in the sector. Mutual learning will be a key aspect of the task force.
The task force will support regional collaboration and project development in the field of raw materials by providing networking opportunities for task force members to share project ideas, best practices, and personal contacts.