The aim of work package 2 is to create a sustainable EU network of mining and metallurgy regions by an increased sensitivity to improving framework conditions (including administration, land use planning, investment conditions, training and attracting skilled workforce), social issues and industry competitiveness as well as raised public raw material awareness through a long-term cooperation. The main target is to utilise the outputs framework analysis from WP3 and from the SWOT analysis respective the call related issues of: SLO, policy making and smart specialisation, and ESIF derived from WP4-6 and those from a SWOT analysis on network potential of research and academia and valorisation of mining heritage for networking regions by different approaches. The objective is to establish coherent co-ordination and support mechanisms among a representative number of EU regions, and identify and engage the other relevant EU regions.
Contact person for Work Package 2
Read about how MIREU partner regions North Karelia and Lapland from Finland have been activators in the development of interregional collaboration among all East and North Finland Regions through the joint efforts of MIREU and REMIX.
As part of the MIREU project, the regions of Cornwall & Saxony are involved in a Twinning Project with the regions represented by The University of Exeter (UNEXE) and Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg (GKZ). Learn more about their recent activities in this article.
The Networking Matrix is a theoretical approach in WP2 to support Networking Regions.
This is the briefing memo from the 3rd MIREU SLO stakeholder workshop with the theme ‘ensuring SLO is adaptive and resilient" which took place on 5-6 June 2019 in Brussels, Belgium.
An EU cluster matchmaking event was organised in Castilla y León in April within the framework of the REMIX project and the EU Cluster Weeks.
Until recently, mining was a synonym for the industrial crisis of “old” Europe. Mine shafts became a part of our industrial heritage and a reminder for a vanished tradition. But times have changed: mining in Europe plays a more and more important role in securing access to important raw materials for the future.
The region of Saxony organised a side event under the topic 'From Saxony for Europe - Skills and Research for the Mining of the Future' at the European Week of Regions and Cities.
As part of the stakeholder engagement and networking of regions, MIREU partner GKZ Freiberg carried out a one-day ‘Seminar on Cultural and Industrial World Heritage in Mining and Metallurgy – a European Fact-Finding.
MIREU partner GKZ Freiberg decided to mark the kick-off of the ambitious MIREU project with a conference, which was held on 1 March 2018 in Dresden, Saxony.
The MIREU project is organising a conference on mining heritage between 21-23rd April 2020 in Cornwall, UK.
The Industrial modernisation S3P Mining industry and the ERRIN task force on raw materials invite you to an online roundtable discussion on the future of the EU mining regions collaboration. It will be an opportunity to learn more about the initiatives supporting the networking of mining regions.
An upcoming webinar series from the MIREU project will take place across three afternoons.
GZK and AMEMM are planning a fact-finding mission in Maramureș, Romania in September 2020.