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3rd MIREU SLO workshop shows that different understandings exist of acceptance and civil participation in mining in Europe
Under the title "Ensuring SLO is adaptive and resilient", MIREU organised its third and final SLO stakeholder workshop in Brussels, Belgium, in June 2019.
Mine closure and tourism
One of the topics discussed at the breakout sessions during the 2nd MIREU SLO workshop was ‘Mine Closure and Tourism’, which refers to the potential of post-mining areas for tourism development.
Mining and misunderstandings
One of the topics discussed at the breakout sessions during the 2nd MIREU SLO workshop was ‘Mining and Misunderstandings’, which refers to the misunderstandings that often arise in the communication between the parties involved in mining projects.
The environment, mining and SLO
One of the topics discussed at the breakout sessions during the 2nd MIREU SLO workshop was ‘Environment’, which focused on the most common environmental topics related to mining and their connection to SLO.
The Man Engine
The Man Engine was built to be the flagship project celebrating the 10th ‘Tinth’ anniversary of the Cornwall and West Devon UNESCO Mining World Heritage Site. This 11 metres steam powered Cornish Miner from Golden Tree Productions is the largest mechanical puppet ever built in Britain.
SLO experiences from across the globe - 1st MIREU SLO workshop
The first MIREU Social Licence to Operate (SLO) workshop with the theme Linking SLO and Sustainability: challenges in Europe and lessons from abroad was organised in Rovaniemi, Finland, between 8-9 May 2018.