ICAMCyL (International Center in Advanced Materials and raw materials of Castilla y León) is a private non-profit research foundation created by the main industries from the region from the automotive, manufacturing, advanced materials, mining and processing of raw materials sectors. With the support of the regional government, ICAMCyL constitutes a competence center with the objective of aligning and working towards the smart specialisation strategy (RIS3) of Castilla y León.
The activities of ICAMCyL are focused on two main fields:
ICAMCyL is well positioned at international level through its participation in strategic networks of relevance in the fields of raw & advanced materials such as:
- European Innovation Partnership in Raw Materials (EIP)
- European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)
- Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative (EMIRI)
- European initiative for sustainable development by Nanotechnologies (Nanofutures)
- European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies (EuMaT)