Launch of Just Transitions Platform: Coal Regions in Transition
Tue, 22/06/2021

Launch of Just Transitions Platform: Coal Regions in Transition

  • Tue, 22/06/2021

As the European Commission launches the Just Transition Platform a week of sessions will take place under the title 'Coal Regions in Transition virtual week and Carbon Intensive Regions seminar'. 

The online events will consist of four main activities:

  • Launch of the Just Transition Platform
  • Coal Regions in Transition virtual week
  • Stakeholder seminar for carbon-intensive regions
  • Side-events.

The Commission will present the Just Transition Platform, a new, comprehensive assistance package to assist stakeholders, followed by the Coal Regions in Transition virtual week, which has been organised by the Secretariat of the Coal Regions in Transition Initiative. The Commission will also host a stakeholder seminar focussed on regions dependent on carbon intensive industries.

For more information and to register, click here

